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Sending messages to different topics using spring integration gateway

I am trying to use spring integration for send mqtt messages to a broker and I am trying to use the gateway interface.

public MqttPahoClientFactory mqttClientFactory() {
    DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory factory = new DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory();
    //set the factory details
    return factory:

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "mqttOutboundChannel")
public MessageHandler mqttOutbound() {
    MqttPahoMessageHandler messageHandler =
            new MqttPahoMessageHandler("randomString", mqttClientFactory());
    //set handler details
    return messageHandler;

public MessageChannel mqttOutboundChannel() {
    return new DirectChannel();
@MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "mqttOutboundChannel")
private interface MyGateway {
    void sendToMqtt(String data);

My question is: If I want to use the gateway handler to send messages to different topics how would I do that without having to create an adapter for each topic ?


Hope I formulated my question clearly and the code is properly formatted.


  • You need to set the target topic in a message header.

    Here is one way to do that...

    void sendToMqtt(String data, @Header(MqttHeaders.TOPIC) String topic);

    The gateway proxy will assemble the message with the header, which is then used by the outbound adapter.