I'm tackling an exercise that asks to create a functional interface whose method takes as input an integer k and an array of integers and returns an integer. Then, I should assign to an instance of the interface a lambda expression that returns the sum off all the values in the array less than or equal to k.
For the interface I think I should do something like:
public interface FunctionOnAnArray {
int apply(int k, int ... intArray);
However, I cannot figure out the lambda expression.
public class Test {
int sum = 0;
FunctionOnAnArray f = (k, intArray) -> { for (int i : intArray) if (i <= k) sum += i; return sum; };
This seems way too clunky.
You could simplify it as:
FunctionOnAnArray f = (k, arr) -> Arrays.stream(arr)
.filter(a -> a <= k)
Aside: You can also choose not to define the interface with Varargs and updating it as :
public interface FunctionOnAnArray {
int apply(int k, int[] arr);