I am struggling with this problem and I can't figure out how to solve it.
This is my dataset detail data:
Order Item StartDay EndDay EndYear StartEndDiff
1 1 01.01.2018 02.01.2018 2018 1
1 2 03.01.2018 05.01.2018 2018 2
2 1 05.01.2019 06.01.2019 2019 1
2 2 06.01.2019 06.01.2019 2019 0
2 3 08.01.2019 10.01.2019 2019 1
3 1 07.01.2019 08.01.2019 2019 1
I now group them by Order
(this works fine in a tablix). Group name is OrderGroup
Order MinStartDay MaxEndDay EndYear MinStartMaxEndDiff
1 01.01.2018 05.01.2018 2018 4
2 05.01.2019 10.01.2019 2019 5
3 07.01.2019 08.01.2019 2019 1
For MinStartMaxEndDiff
I got the following expression:
=DateDiff("d", Min(Fields!StartDay.Value, "OrderGroup"), Max(Fields!EndDay.Value, "OrderGroup"))
Now I added another group in the tablix and displayed the Avg(MinStartMaxEndDiff)
per EndYear
. This still works fine in the tablix with all the groupings. The result:
Avg(MinStartMaxEnd) Year
4 2018
3 2019
But I can't figure out how to display only the data from the result, based on the calculations, in a chart. I normally do these calculations on the SQL side, but this time I can't do them SQL side.
The problem is when I try to add the OrderGroup
in the chart it always shows me the details. But I need this group to get the right values. Hide or set the category label to Nothing
didn't work. Also setting the DataElementOutput
to NoOutput
didn't help (real look):
I would just need on the x-axis the Years
and as values the Avg(MinStartMaxEnd)
. This would be my desired output based on the sample data from above:
What can I do if a row data looks like this:
Order Item StartDay EndDay EndYear StartEndDiff
1 1 29.12.2018 02.01.2019 2019 4
1 2 28.12.2018 30.12.2018 2018 2
This one will get divided into two separate datarows in the tablix, because of the EndYear
grouping. The expected result should be look like this:
Order MinStartDay MaxEndDay EndYear MinStartMaxEndDiff
1 28.12.2018 02.01.2019 2019 5
But a grouping of the year with the expression
=Max(CDate(Fields!EndYear.Value), "OrderGroup")
is not possible.
You can use custom code inside your tablix to calculate the average per year, and call the calculated values in the chart.
Add the following custom code to your report
Public Dim YearAvg As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String , Decimal )
Public Function SetYearAverage( ByVal s As String, ByVal d AS Decimal) As Decimal
Return d
End Function
In the textbox you calculate the year average change the expression to the following (make the appropriate changes to field names)
= Code.SetYearAverage(Cstr(Fields!EndYear.Value), Avg ( DateDiff("d", Min(Fields!StartDay.Value,"OrderId"), Max(Fields!EndDay.Value,"OrderId"))))
Then set your chart expression to
= Code.YearAvg( Cstr( Fields!EndYear.Value))