I have used ReSharper for a while and generally use the Implicit option for private modifiers in C#. However, I'm working with someone else who prefers private modifiers to be explicit, so we agreed to do it explicitly for this solution. The solution has an .editorconfig file that should do this, from my understanding, but it's not and I'm not sure why (I've never used .editorconfig before).
When I go into my ReSharper settings (latest ReSharper build) it shows my implicit setting but also shows that it's being overwritten by EditorConfig with a value of Explicit:
However, in my warnings dialog I'm still getting a bunch of these:
It even shows explicit on the menu:
What are we doing wrong?
Shouldn't it be skipping that warning for this solution based on EditorConfig?
Try enabling the ReSharper | Options | Code Inspection | Settings | Read settings from editorconfig and project settings