I would like to determine the total amount of disk I/O read data and also write data (in bytes) for a specific process.
Not sure if this can be done through performance counters, because when I run this code example from MSDN I only see these related counter names which does not seem to be able retrieve the information that I need since they are in data/sec which seems to serve for calculating an average value only...
In case of I'm wrong, then please explain me which of those counters I need to use and how do I need to compare their values (using PerformanceCounter.NextValue() or PerformanceCounter.NextSample() + CounterSample.Calculate()).
I know this information can be retrieved by some task managers such as System Explorer:
I just would like to do the same.
is an concise alternative to Perf counters/WMI.
struct IO_COUNTERS {
public ulong ReadOperationCount;
public ulong WriteOperationCount;
public ulong OtherOperationCount;
public ulong ReadTransferCount;
public ulong WriteTransferCount;
public ulong OtherTransferCount;
[DllImport(@"kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool GetProcessIoCounters(IntPtr hProcess, out IO_COUNTERS counters);
if (GetProcessIoCounters(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, out IO_COUNTERS counters)) {