I'm running a nested loop via using %dopar%
to generate dummy dataset for experience purpose.
References link: R nested foreach %dopar% in outer loop and %do% in inner loop
n = 10000 #number of unique IDs (10k as trial) , real data consits of 50k unique IDs
ID <- paste(LETTERS[1:8],sample(n),sep = "")
year <- c('2015','2016','2017','2018')
month <- c('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12')
# parallel processing setting
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)
output_table <- foreach(i = seq_along(ID), .combine=rbind, .packages="data.table") %:%
foreach(j = seq_along(year), .combine=rbind, .packages="data.table") %:%
foreach(k = seq_along(month), .combine=rbind, .packages="data.table") %dopar% {
mbr_code = ID[i],
year = year[j],
month = month[k]
# runtime #
> user system elapsed
> 1043.31 66.83 1171.08
output_table <- foreach(i = seq_along(ID), .combine=rbind, .packages="data.table") %:%
foreach(j = seq_along(year), .combine=rbind, .packages="data.table") %:%
foreach(k = seq_along(month), .combine=rbind, .packages="data.table") %do% {
mbr_code = ID[i],
year = year[j],
month = month[k]
# runtime #
> user system elapsed
> 1101.85 1.02 1110.55
> view(output_table)
when i run on %dopar%
i did monitor my machine's CPU performance using Resource Monitor
and i noticed the CPUs are not fully utilised.
I did try to run above script (test1 and test2) on my machine i5, 4 cores. But it seems like the run time for both %do%
and %dopar%
are closed to each other. It's my script design issue? My real data consists of 50k
unique IDs, meaning will took very long time if running in %do%
, how can i fully utilised my machine CPUs to reduce run time?
I believe you are seeing the initial overhead of the foreach package, as it copies and set up whatever is needed to run each of the loops correctly. After running your code for about 30 - 60 seconds my cpu's all bumped too full utilization until the code was finaly done.
That said, it does not explain why your code is so slow compared to %do%
loops. I believe the sinner here is in how the foreach loop is applied, when you are trying to access data across all foreach loops. Basically if you dont .export the data you need, it will try to access the same data in several of the parallel sessions, and each session will have to wait while the other sessions are finished accessing their own data.
This could likely be alleviated by exporting the data using the .export
argument in the foreach. Personally i use other package to perform most of my parallization so i suggest testing this if this is what you want. This would come with a greater overhead however.
Now as you are trying to create a dummy dataset, for which all combinations of certain columns are combined, there are way faster methods of obtaining this. A quick search on 'cross-join' will lead you to posts like this one.
For the data.table package it can be done extremely efficient and faster using the 'CJ' function. Simply
output <- CJ(ID, year, month)
will yield the result your nested loops are trying to create, using only about 0.07 seconds to perform the task.