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vue cli inspecting css from browser development console

Following various vue cli example to successfully implement scss file into the vue file, the page now loads with css imported but I cannot inspect from which file / line number the css declaration comes from, all it says in chrome console is within the not from the actual file like "margin.scss line 40".

here is my vue.config.js

module.exports = {
  pluginOptions: {
    'style-resources-loader': {
      preProcessor: 'scss',
      patterns: ["@/src/css/index.scss"]

here is my App.vue

  <div >


<style lang="scss" >
  @import "./css/index.scss";

and here is what I see,

it would be helpful if it showed actual filename and line number


  • Activate sourcemaps:

    module.exports = {
      css: {
        sourceMap: true,
      pluginOptions: {
        'style-resources-loader': {
          preProcessor: 'scss',
          patterns: ["@/src/css/index.scss"]