each time I try to run install_github() from RStudio I get something like this:
Downloading GitHub repo r-lib/devtools@master
Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = download_method(), quiet = quiet, :
cannot open URL 'https://api.github.com/repos/r-lib/devtools/tarball/master'*
I tried the work around described in https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/issues/1772
and this is what I get:
assignInNamespace("version_info", c(devtools::version_info, list("3.5" = list(version_min = "3.3.0", version_max = "99.99.99", path = "bin"))), "devtools")
Error in bindingIsLocked(x, ns) : no binding for "version_info"
find_rtools() # is TRUE now
Error in find_rtools() : could not find function "find_rtools"*
Please suggest a workaround to get devtools::install_github()
to work on my Win PC.
I believe I have found a solution for this Win 7 64 bit machine which was based on: https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/issues/130
Click Start > type in "Internet Options" > click "Internet options" > Go to "Advanced" and check TLS 1.2 box.