Current functionality of the on_change
method of a bokeh TextInput
object is to run the callback after all text is typed and then some other key is pressed. I want to know if a TextInput
object can be configured to run a callback as text is being typed / deleted. The following code is a minimal example.
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, column
from bokeh.models import TextInput, Button
button = Button(button_type='success')
ti = TextInput(title='enter text to enable button')
layout = column(
button.disabled = True
def callback(attr, old, new):
if ti.value != '':
button.disabled = False
button.disabled = True
ti.on_change('value', callback)
Here is a screenshot of the corresponding application.
The desired behavior is for the button to become active as soon as text is typed. The screenshot demonstrates this is not happening. Not shown is that the button will become active after 'enter' is pressed.
As of Bokeh 1.3 you can watch the value_input
ti.on_change('value_input', callback)