On the image below you can see how facets look when cpu_producer == ""
(i.e. nothing selected).
There are circumstances when cpu_producer
may be AMD or INTEL and on a page load appropriate facet's checkbox must be selected. How to select it in backend in order to get in frontend appropriately filtered cpu?
if category.slug == 'cpu':
possible_sockets = '(socket_exact:"LGA1151" OR socket_exact:"LGA2066" OR socket_exact:"AM4" OR socket_exact:"TR4")'
sqs = sqs.narrow(possible_sockets)
possible_producers = '(producer_exact:"AMD" OR producer_exact:"INTEL")'
sqs = sqs.narrow(possible_producers)
cpu_producer = RECEIVED_VALUE # "AMD" or "INTEL" or ""
if cpu_producer:
Source code digging led me to the file haystack/forms.py
. It seems that the class FacetedSearchForm
should be overridden.
However in my case it was acceptable just to have a url like:
<a href="{{request.get_full_path}}cpu/?selected_facets=vendor_exact%3AAMD">
<img src="{% static 'logo/amd.jpg' %}" alt="{{ cpu_producer.title }}" />
which leads to the cpu page and because of the ?selected_facets=vendor_exact%3AAMD
part automatically selects Producer facet (i.e. AMD in this case).