So I'm working on a task board and I am making a button to move the selected task to the top/bottom of that container. It is working fine, but not saving the position and when I reload it is in the previous position. I noticed that when I am doing this, the array has a -1 index at the end. I've searched online for this issue but couldn't find anything similar.
Here is the code I have for the function:
public moveToBottom(container, index) {
this.container = container;
var lastIndex = (this.container.length -1);;
transferArrayItem(this.container, this.container, index, lastIndex);
// this.verifyOrder(lastIndex);
console.log(index, lastIndex, container)
I'm thinking it has something to do with the container.length -1, but this is the only way I've seen to get the last index. I just need the number of the index, not the actual object.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
You just have to use transferArrayItem
For example, there is an array of movies this.movies
So, the button click function will look like this:
moveToTheEnd(index) {
moveItemInArray(this.movies, index, this.movies.length - 1);
<div cdkDropList class="example-list" (cdkDropListDropped)="drop($event)">
<div *ngFor="let movie of movies; let index = index" style="display: flex; align-items: center">
<div class="example-box" cdkDrag>{{movie}}</div>
<div (click)="moveToTheEnd(index)" style="background: red">Move to the end</div>
Here is the example: