I'm working on a retro project trying to compile some test code in Borland Turbo C++/DosBox.
I have this function:
double sin(double x){
asm ("fldl %0;"
"fstpl %0" : "+m"(x));
return x;
I figure it returns the sin value of x, but I'm otherwise lost.
The error is: Undefined symbol 'fldl'
Can anyone explain this function in Intel asm syntax?
I can't figure it out, I've only ever coded 16bit DOS asm code and no floating point.
Kind Regards /Jacob
The problem is that the target CPU must be at least 386.
so the function should be:
double sin(double x){
fld qword ptr [x]
fstp qword ptr [x]
return x;
I've gotten similar code to compile in TASM with .386 after .MODEL "size"