I have been trying a basic implementation of dagger2 but due to some reason ContributesAndroidInjector is not injecting the defined module. I get the following error when I run my application
error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] com.demo.MainPresenter cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or an @Provides-annotated method.
public abstract interface AppComponent {
A binding with matching key exists in component: com.demo.di.MainActivityModule_ProvidesMainActivity.MainActivitySubcomponent
com.demo.MainPresenter is injected at
com.demo.MainActivity is injected at
Below is my dagger code
@Component(modules = [
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(application: MyApplication)
fun inject(mainActivity: MainActivity)
abstract class MainActivityModule {
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [MainModule::class)
abstract fun providesMainActivity(): MainActivity
class MainModule {
fun providesMainPresenter(): MainPresenter {
return MainPresenter()
I am initialising the AppComponent in MyApplication and MainPresenter is injected in MainActivity
class MyApplication : Application(), HasActivityInjector {
lateinit var dispatchingAndroidInjector: DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity>
override fun onCreate() {
override fun activityInjector(): AndroidInjector<Activity> {
return dispatchingAndroidInjector
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var presenter: MainPresenter
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
btnLaunch.setOnClickListener { presenter.onLaunchClicked() }
I have gone through multiple examples on the net but none of them have proved helpful. Did anyone else faced this issue?
You have to remove fun inject(mainActivity: MainActivity)
from your AppComponent
While you correctly add MainModule
and the presenter to the Activity Subcomponent (the @ContributesAndroidInjector
stuff), your AppComponent doesn't know anything about this. You can't inject your MainActivity from there without the missing dependencies, hence the error. Please see How do I fix Dagger 2 error '… cannot be provided […]'?
for some general information on your error and how you can read it.
As a side note, you should look up Constructor Injection with Dagger to avoid writing boilerplate with modules.