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SFML - Access violation reading location when saving RenderTexture to image 0xC0000005

I'm using Visual Studio 2017. When debugging it points me to line 11


with an error

Exception thrown at 0x54B06B9E (sfml-graphics-2.dll) in Project2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCE6C37F.

I want to save the texture to a .bmp file.


int main()
    using namespace sf;
    RenderTexture texture;
    texture.create(800, 600);

    return 0;


As far as we've detected it's the .saveToFile("C:/test.bmp") fragment that's causing the issue, the code works fine without it


I got SFML packages manually, I include them from a set folder each time I'm making a new project and link the libraries, also added manually through external lib folder


After some work I managed to fix the debug libraries and release libraries, now the code throws an exception

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'texture' was corrupted.

A screenshot with the whole output and code: enter image description here

Another thing is, when I continue without handling the exception it throws at me this:

Unhandled exception at 0x00D26859 in Project2.exe: Stack cookie instrumentation code detected a stack-based buffer overrun.


  • I found an answer, the issue was that I wasn't using .dlls compiled for VS 2017, I was using those compiled for 2015 instead, switched them and it works like a charm