I'm trying to make a delete function with confirmation that something was deleted. With current code rows variable comes back empty if the row is not found or it was deleted.
app.delete('/api/devices/:id', (req, res) => {
db.all('delete from devices where id = ' + req.params.id, (err, rows) =>
if (err) {
return res.status(500).send(err)
else {
return res.status(204).send()
In case if it's not found, I want to return 404, in case it was actually deleted, I want to return 204. How do I tell them apart?
I know I can make a select query prior to deleting it, but there must be a better way.
From this tutorial
In case the
statement executed successfully, thethis
object of the callback function will contain the changes property that stores the number of rows deleted.
You should consider using the run
method, not the all
method for the DELETE query, since you are not expecting any results.
Excerpts from the api doc
Runs the SQL query with the specified parameters and calls the callback afterwards. It does not retrieve any result data.
If execution was successful, the this object will contain two properties named lastID and changes which contain the value of the last inserted row ID and the number of rows affected by this query respectively. Note that lastID only contains valid information when the query was a successfully completed INSERT statement and changes only contains valid information when the query was a successfully completed UPDATE or DELETE statement. In all other cases, the content of these properties is inaccurate and should not be used. The .run() function is the only query method that sets these two values; all other query methods such as .all() or .get() don't retrieve these values.