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How can i delete border top radius bg transparency?

How can i hide radius bg transparency? i don't want to see, when i scroll the my first landing page to up it will come to up with pages and showing up raidus corners background.

Thoose are ss's



and also you can view live :

look at the top of lef and right corner and scrool first page to up look now corners you will see bg.


  • Since you have it fixed, overflow won't work because it is actually the content behind that is showing through. You could do a couple ways, but one might be to actually cover up the part of the header that is left uncovered by the border-radius. In order to do that though, you would need a separate element or a pseudo-element. You would make the header itself white to mask out, then use a pseudo :before to style the yellow area. Something like this should work:

    .site-layout-bordered.header-horizontal #header {
       top: 30px;
       left: 30px;
       right: 30px;
       width: auto;
       background-color: white;
    .site-layout-bordered.header-horizontal #header:before {
       content: '';
       position: absolute;
       background: #fcc600;
       display: block;
       width: 100%;
       height: 100%;
       border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0;