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How to use broadcasting with my numpy arrays (3000,3) and (3,2,3000)

I have 2 arrays currently with shapes v1=(3000,3) and v2=(3,2,3000). The 3000 is a time dimension so v1 has 3000 (1,3) samples and v2 has 3000 (3,2) samples. I wish to do matrix multiplication and broadcast along the 3000 dimension so that I get 3000 (1,2) vectors in return.

I have tried reshaping so that v1 = (1,3,3000) and v2 = (3,2,300) which gives an error saying that the shapes are not aligned.


v1 = np.ones((1,3,3000)) +1
v2 = np.ones((3,2,3000)) - 0.5,v2)


  • With v1 of shape (3000,3) and v2 as (3,2,3000), we can use np.einsum -


    This gives us an output of shape (3000,2).

    We could play around with the optimize arg in np.einsum. With optimize = True, it leverages BLAS internally and with optimize = False resorts to simple C-loops. That BLAS way requires some setting up work too. So, with decent lengths of axes that undergo sum-reductions, we might want to set that flag as True and False otherwise. In this case, it seems those axes are really short, so we are probably better off with the default : optimize = False input.