I want to generate a Python Flask server providing a certain OpenAPI spec as input - let's say foo.yaml - running the following command:
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i foo.yaml -g python-flask -o python-flask_api_server
However, this generates a server stub containing a file called foo_controller.py under \python-flask_api_server\openapi_server\controllers and each method defined in this file returns the same template string:
'do some magic!'
def foo_post(inline_object=None): # noqa: E501
"""Create a foo
# noqa: E501
:param inline_object:
:type inline_object: dict | bytes
:rtype: str
if connexion.request.is_json:
inline_object = InlineObject.from_dict(connexion.request.get_json()) # noqa: E501
return 'do some magic!'
What I'm trying to do with OpenAPI Generator is to generate a server stub whose foo_controller.py references my own implementation of this file, like this for example:
foo_controller.py (generated file)
import foo_controller_impl
def foo_post(inline_object=None): # noqa: E501
"""Create a foo
# noqa: E501
:param inline_object:
:type inline_object: dict | bytes
:rtype: str
foo_controller_impl.py (my implementation of foo_controller.py)
def foo_post_impl(inline_object=None): # noqa: E501
if connexion.request.is_json:
inline_object = InlineObject.from_dict(connexion.request.get_json()) # noqa: E501
print("Request body is:\n" + str(inline_object))
response = "/foo/1"
return response
I ran the following command to generate a new template set:
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar meta -o my-codegen -n myCodegen -p org.openapitools.codegen
But after reading the generated README.md and inspecting MycodegenGenerator.java it still isn't very clear to me how I could achieve this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The solution to my problem was to download Swagger Codegen (link), find the controller.mustache template file for the Python-Flask server (located here: swagger-codegen-master\modules\swagger-codegen\src\main\resources\flaskConnexion) and edit it like this:
from {{packageName}}.controllers import {{classname}}_impl
def {{operationId}}({{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{^required}}=None{{/required}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/allParams}}): # noqa: E501
{{#notes}}{{.}}{{/notes}} # noqa: E501
:param {{paramName}}: {{description}}
:type {{paramName}}: {{>param_type}}
:type {{paramName}}: {{>param_type}}
:type {{paramName}}: werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage
:type {{paramName}}: dict | bytes
:type {{paramName}}: List[{{>param_type}}]
:type {{paramName}}: list | bytes
:type {{paramName}}: Dict[str, {{>param_type}}]
:type {{paramName}}: dict | bytes
:rtype: {{#returnType}}{{.}}{{/returnType}}{{^returnType}}None{{/returnType}}
return {{classname}}_impl.{{operationId}}({{#allParams}}{{paramName}}{{^required}}{{/required}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/allParams}})
Finally, I used the following command to generate the Python-Flask server:
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.3.1.jar generate -i foo.yaml -l python-flask -o "swagger server\foo" -t swagger-codegen-master\modules\swagger-codegen\src\main\resources\flaskConnexion