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How to write CanCanCan Ability for user to read only their data?

How do you restrict user access so a user can only read their own record?

I've tried:

def initialize(user)
  can :read, User, :id =>

and this:

def initialize(user)
  can :read, user

but I can still access every user in index and show. I have authorize_resource in the UsersController.

Relevant documentation for reference:


  • It seems that putting

    authorize! :show, @user

    in the show action and

    @users = User.accessible_by(current_ability)

    in the index action solves my issue using:

    def initialize(user)
      can :read, User, :id =>

    I can now see I should have been using load_and_authorize_resource instead of just authorize_resource as it would have automatically added those.