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Name conflicts when using Method extension and Inheritance

I have an extension

fun Fragment.showToast(message: String, toastLength: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) {
    Toast.makeText(context, message, toastLength).show()

In project we're using MVP:

interface MyContract {
    interface View {
        fun showToast(message: String)

class MyFragment : Fragment(), MyContract.View {
    override fun showToast(message: String) {

So in MyFragment.showToast(message) I expect to call extension function instead of StackOverflowException.

Is it possible to call extension function directly? Something like:

Fragment.showToast(this, message)

or I just need to give another name?


  • You could cast your MyFragment class to Fragment and do:

    class MyFragment : Fragment(), MyContract.View {
        override fun showToast(message: String) {
            val fragment = this as Fragment

    This way you will refer to the extension function of the Fragment class