hey guys, i have a query in sql server which takes atleast 10-15 seconds to execute, and when this is called in asp.net, it is more worst there, it just throws request timeout error.
Below is the query i am using.
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), C.PublishDate, 104)
'/Article/' + SUBSTRING(dbo.RemoveSpecialChars(C.Title), 0, 10) + '/' + CAST(CA.CategoryId AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + '/' + CAST(C.Id AS VARCHAR(MAX)) +
'.aspx' AS
FROM CrossArticle_Article C
INNER JOIN CrossArticle_ArticleToCategory CA
ON C.Id = CA.ArticleId
WHERE C.Title LIKE '%' + @KEYWORD + '%'
OR C.Summary LIKE '%' + @KEYWORD + '%'
OR C.Article LIKE '%' + @KEYWORD + '%'
Below are the Fields Specification.
Id int Primary Key
Summary nvarchar(1000)
Title nvarchar(200)
Author nvarchar(200)
PublishDate DateTime
CategoryId int PrimaryKey
i think this can be resolved by using Indexing on these columns using include.. i checked over net, but didnt find any solution..
i would appreciate if i could get help for the same. Thanks and Regards Abbas Electricwala
Ordinary column indexing most likely cannot help your query, unfortunately. LIKE
conditions can only be assisted by indexes when they are in the form of value%
(meaning that you can only have a wildcard on the end of the expression; the prefix must be static).
I am assuming that you already have an index on CrossArticle_Article.Id
and CrossArticle_ArticleToCategory.ArticleId
. If not, you should add those.