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How to make tappable NSAttributedString Move To Another ViewController Swift

I'm working on a simple app and add programatically NSAttributedString. I am really confused how to move present viewcontroller to another viewcontroller.

This is not duplicate question because my question for how move to view controller and duplicatie question how to open link on click How can I make a clickable link in an NSAttributedString?.

Screen shot

Screen Shot

In above image show three NSAttributedString first one is and second one ishas started following and third one Sham. When trying to click on Sham no action perform. i want to move this controller to another controller when click on Sham .

This is my Code:

@IBOutlet weak var descriptionLbl: UILabel!

override func updateWithModel(_ model: AnyObject) {
 self.descriptionLbl.attributedText = self.followingGetTextFromType(data: (model as? FollowingNotificationData)!)

func followingGetTextFromType(data:FollowingNotificationData) -> NSMutableAttributedString{
  var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString()
  attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:(data.detailsNoti?.fullName)!, attributes: strres)
  let startedfollowing = NSMutableAttributedString(string:" has started following ", attributes: attrs)
  var discription = NSMutableAttributedString()
  if data.fullName == ""{
  discription = NSMutableAttributedString(string:"\((data.userName)!)", attributes: strres)
  discription = NSMutableAttributedString(string:"\((data.fullName)!)", attributes: strres)

Can someone please explain to me how to solve this , i've tried to solve this issue but no results yet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


  • Try this code to make NSMutableAttributedString, You can make it dynamic as your requirement to pass dynamic string value as a parameter.

    Put UItextView insted of UIlabel

    @IBOutlet weak var descriptionLbl: UITextView!
    descriptionLbl.attributedText = prepareAttributedTextString()
    func prepareAttributedTextString() -> NSMutableAttributedString {
            let masterString = " has started following Sham"
            let formattedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: masterString)
            let ShamUseAttribute = [
                NSAttributedStringKey.underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle.styleSingle.rawValue,
                NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0),
       URL(string: "Sham")!,
                ] as [NSAttributedStringKey : Any]
            let ShamRange = (masterString as NSString).range(of: "Sham")
            formattedString.addAttributes(ShamUseAttribute, range: ShamRange)
            return formattedString

    Use this UITextViewDelegate to detect tap on UItextView and predict to specified UIviewController

    // MARK: UITextView Delegate Method
    func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldInteractWith URL: URL, in characterRange: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction) -> Bool {
           if (URL.absoluteString == "Sham") { 
                 let objVC = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "YourViewController") as! YourViewController           
                 self.navigationController?.pushViewController(objVC, animated: true)
            return true

    Set following property from the storyboard.

    enter image description here