I know this problem sounds a bit complex but it's not.
I'll try my best to explain it in a simple way:
The list is made of "boxes", every box that links to a post has a background-image.
I pass this background-image to a styled-component, it gets the image from a prop value that I inserted in the main < div > element (you'll find the example bellow).
It works fine, till I try use an image from my local folder under src (instead of using an online link that I simply putted on frontmatter).
Here's what I did in the past, and worked:
I put the url of the image on the frontmatter of the markdown file:
slug: "/post/my-post"
imghero: "https:/path/to/image-online.jpg"
Then query it with graphql:
const LISTING_QUERY = graphql`
query BlogPostListing {
allMarkdownRemark(limit: 10, sort: {
order: DESC,
fields: [frontmatter___date]
}) {
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY")
After that I insert the {node.frontmatter.imghero} it on a prop on the main div:
const Listing = () => (
render={({allMarkdownRemark}) => (
allMarkdownRemark.edges.map(({node}) => (
<Article img_background={node.frontmatter.imghero} key={node.frontmatter.slug}>
[... etc ...]
export default Listing
And finally I call that img_background prop in the styled-component:
const Article = styled.article`
background-image: url(${props => props.img_background};);
[... etc ...]
This method works.
Now I want to get the image from my "images" folder and not from a random url.
Insert the additional query throught graphql:
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "DD MMMM, YYYY")
hero {
fluid(maxWidth: 630) {
I modify the node on the component with the new path:
<Article img_background={node.frontmatter.hero.childImageSharp.fluid} [...]>
Gatsby Develop compiles fine.
But then my homepage is completely white.
And the console of the browser says that node.frontmatter.hero is "null".
I don't know that else to do.
Thanks for the help.
I think a bit more info is necessary to resolve your issue, none of the thing you listed out looks wrong in itself. However so many folks got tripped off by image handling in gatsby that I'm writing a check list. It's meant to be generic, but I think no.5, 8, 9, 12 might help you locate the problem.
+ gatsby-transformer-sharp
i.e turn it on and off again? Try removing cache & public folder (.cache
and public
) if you suspect something's wrong with them.gatsby-source-filesystem
field in frontmatter? If a file doesn't have a hero field, it will be null
.query {
allMarkdownRemark {
frontmatter {
hero {
name <-- just enough to know the file exists
If your hero
shows up as a string, something's wrong, check the setup again.
Are you using fragments? Currently fragments can't be test in the graphiql tool, so you might need to find the definition of that fragment and test it manually. Here's a list of the default ones that come with gatsby-transformer-sharp
and their definitions.
If you're using a custom fragment, make sure to define & export it somewhere.
? If so, make sure you're passing in something it can work with.gatsby-remark-images
only handle relative links in markdown image & html <img>
, so if your image is living in frontmatter, it won't do anything.