I'm trying to add a cdata section to a soap message using saaj (axis2-saaj-1.5.4). I have an xml document which I would like to define as a cdata section and put it into an element inside the body of a soap document... something like the following (although this causes compiler errors):
Element cdataElem = doc.createElement("cdata");
CDATASection cdata = doc.createCDATASection(xmlDocAsString);
SOAPMessage message = factory.createMessage();
I can't find a way to do this properly and I'm sure it should be simple... can anyone help?
I've resolved this using axiom instead of saaj as suggested in by skaffman.
I've used axiom-api-1.2.8.jar and axiom-impl-1.2.8.jar for sample code below:
SOAPFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory();
SOAPEnvelope envelope = factory.getDefaultEnvelope();
OMElement xmlElement= factory.createOMElement("search", envelope.getDefaultNamespace());
OMTextImpl omText = (OMTextImpl) xmlElement.getOMFactory().createOMText(xmlElement, xmlForCdata, XMLStreamConstants.CDATA);
This seems to work very nicely and doesn't convert '<' tags to & lt;