When generate new rails app, and start the server "rails s", first massage I got:
Puma caught this error: Error loading the 'sqlite3' Active Record adapter. Missing a gem it depends on? can't activate sqlite3 (~> 1.3.6), already activated sqlite3-1.4.0. Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile. (LoadError)
after reload a page:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished No connection pool with 'primary' found.
def retrieve_connection(spec_name) #:nodoc:
pool = retrieve_connection_pool(spec_name)
raise ConnectionNotEstablished, "No connection pool with '#{spec_name}' found." unless pool
I reinstall ruby, rails, bundler, all except rvm and I don't know what to do
P.S. this error disappears when I evidently write sqlite3 verion, but it should work fine from a without it!!! Help!What to do? or maybe reinstall all of it?
Try to add this on your Gemfile
gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.6'
Instead of having only the SQLite3 without version.
It worked for me