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Taking symbolic variables out of txt file and making a matrix in Matlab

I have a txt file containing following characters. theta1 , l1 and others are symbolic variables.( Don't mind about it)

 M=[theta1 + (l1^2*m1)/4 + l1^2*m2 (l1*l2*m2*cos(fi1 - fi2))/2 ; 
 (l1*l2*m2*cos(fi1 - fi2))/2 theta2 + (l2^2*m2)/4 ]

I need to take it out and make it a symbolic matrix. As you can see txt file is already fine for making matrix but I don't want to copy paste the whole thing to script, I rather want to do it automatically.

fid = fopen('a.txt');

I tried the code above but it turn out to be not useful. What do you think is the way to copy the whole thing and use it for matrix making?


  • Instead of reading that as a string or a character array and then possibly resorting to evil (eval) method, just rename the extension from txt to m since you already have your arrays defined in the MATLAB way in the text files. Maintain a backup copy of those original txt files if needed.

    If it is a single file (a.txt), you can rename it manually or with this code to a.m:

    movefile('a.txt', 'a.m');

    If there are multiple such files in a directory then you can use the following code to change the extension of all such txt files in the current directory:

    txtfiles = dir('*.txt');   %getting all txt files in the current directory
    for num = 1:numel(txtfiles)
        [~, fname] = fileparts(txtfiles(num).name);  %filename (without extension)
        movefile(txtfiles(num).name, [fname,'.m']);  %renaming

    Now you can simply use the name of the respective file in your script to get whatever arrays that file have in it.