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Windows cmd git bash: no such file or directory (Windows line endings, missing slashes)

I'm working in Windows 10 with a fresh installation of Anaconda and Git Bash. I decided to set cmd.exe as my default console program to use git bash (instead of the minTTY), and I think already I am getting issues with Unix style characters vs Windows.

When I fire up cmd Bash tells me it can't find my file:

bash: C:UsersjoshuAnaconda3/etc/profile.d/ No such file or directory

First, it looks like bash is missing the default windows slashes for my root directory ("C:/Users/joshu/"). Does anyone know how to fix this?



  • I have the exact same problem. Run ~/.bashrc in a terminal. Go to the path given and correct the path.

    In your case, you will replace the C:\Users\joshu\Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ to C:/Users/joshu/Anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ Your only problem is that your slashes are set wrong.