Entering a command on bash goes like this:
<Prompt $> <The Command I Entered>
<Output Of The Command>
I'm looking a way to make The Command I Entered
It's easy to start bold from prompt with putting tput bold
in PS1.
However the questions is, how to tput sgr0
it when Enter
is pressed.
Can i use readline / bash magic to achieve this?
Pre Bash 4.4:
In bash 4.3.x (and maybe earlier), the "debug trap" is executed before a command from the command line is executed.
trap 'tput sgr0' DEBUG
But this has one disadvantage: It is executed before every simple command that is executed. So if you run:
$ echo Hello && echo World
The debug trap is called two times.
Then the following command will not work as expected:
tput setaf 1 ; echo "This is red"
The printed "This is red" will not be red.
See DEBUG trap and PROMPT_COMMAND in Bash and also the accepted answer to this question.
Bash 4.4
In Bash 4.4 the variable $PS0
was introduced. Here is a quote from the man page:
The value of this parameter is expanded (see PROMPTING below) and displayed by interactive shells after reading a command and before the command is executed.
So with bash 4.4 you could do the following:
PS0="\[$(tput sgr0)\]"
The \[\]
are used to enclose unprintable characters (here the terminal control sequence to reset text attributes). I'm not sure if this is really needed for PS0
, but it can't hurt. There is no visual difference in the shell output either way.