I would like to extract the text :after
the <strong>
<li data-toggle="tooltip" title="" data-original-title=""><strong>06:25</strong> vP</li>
I've tried the following
medmar_live_departures_table = list(soup.select('li.tratta'))
for li in medmar_live_departures_table:
info = li.text
but I'm getting both texts. I could use re to split the string but I was wondering if there was a more efficient and straightforward way of doing it.
16:40 vP
Desired output
You can get last text child node of each li
as below:
medmar_live_departures_table = soup.select('li.tratta')
for li in medmar_live_departures_table :
info = [text for text in li.stripped_strings][-1]