Search code examples

How to search by method's fully qualified name in Eclipse

I need to search by method's qualified name in Eclipse (Luna)

I've tried to find myMethod using qualified name (copied with right click > Copy Qualified Name) and then Ctrl+V in Eclipse's search box

this way:


The code is like this:

public class MyClass extends AnotherClass {
    public void myMethod(P p) {
        // code

When I search as shown in the above image, I'm getting as search result the method from the parent class (AnotherClass)

I want MyClass's overridden method as search result.


  • Instead of limiting the query to qualified references, choose in the Limit To section Declaration to find the method declaration.

    The match location Qualified references is for static methods. For example, in the following main method, there are one non-qualified and two qualified references to the method:

    package com.example;
    public class Foo {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            foo(); // non-qualified reference
  ; // qualified reference
  ; // (full) qualified reference
        static void foo() {}