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Backbone validation on keyup

I am using Backbone validation for validating some input fields, like so...

return Dialogs.Base.extend({
    template: 'container',
    validation: {
        '#input1': {
            required: true
        '#input2': {
            translator: Translators.Date(),
            required: true
        '#input3': {
            required: true

These work fine but the required attribute is only satisfied when you click out of the selected input box. What if I want to validate the input as the user is typing?

Another issue is if I set the validation of one of the inputs using Jquery...


This will not satisfy the required attribute, the validation treats the input as if it were empty even though it has a value.

Is there a way to use validation so that it catches any live change in some input?


  • What if I want to validate the input as the user is typing?

    You will need to add an event listener to the user typing, and call the isValid method:
