I'm using Visual Studio Community for Mac (2017), which is different from the one on Windows (it's a "rebranded version of MonoDevelop"). Specifically, I'm using it to write ASP.NET, C#, JS, and CSS but I think the warnings are only for C# code.
Every time I run my code, I am taken from the tab I was just in to another tab where I have a warning. I find this switching extremely disorienting, so I need it to stop.
I don't need or want to fix the problem causing the warning right now. I know I can go to "Options" > "Compiler", then set "Warnings level" to 0, but I don't want to not see a list of the warnings I have.
How can I prevent it from switching my current tab around?
After suffering with this for too long, I finally figured out the solution.
Simply check the checkbox next to the error in the list (in the "error pad"):
It will be shown (at least at first) in strikethrough and it won't steal your tab focus anymore (unless you uncheck it).
You can either do this for every warning or you can go to Preferences (shortcut: command + comma) and set a setting so that they automatically get checked off. The setting is "Build" > "Jump to first error or warning" and I set it to "Error" since I like being taken to any problem that prevents things from compiling. If you want it to never steal your tab focus, you should set it to "Never".