I would like to extract specific strings on a list of multiple items containing multiple tags (and strings). And store them into variables.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests_html import HTMLSession
session = HTMLSession()
r = session.get('https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/DFletcher1990/')
user_socio_table=soup.find_all('div', class_='discussion-stat')
Here is the supposed output of print(user_socio_table)
[<div class="discussion-stat">
4<span class="discussion-light"> questions</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
444<span class="discussion-light"> votes</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
718<span class="discussion-light"> answers</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
15<span class="discussion-light"> flags raised</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
10<span class="discussion-light"> project help requests</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
38<span class="discussion-light"> project help replies</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
208<span class="discussion-light"> comments</span>
</div>, <div class="discussion-stat">
11<span class="discussion-light"> tips and thanks</span>
into a variable called questions
into a variable called votes
into a variable called answers
into a variable called flags
into a variable called help_requests
into a variable called help_replies
into a variable called comments
into a variable called tips_thanks
.Thanks for your help !
You can get values by one by and add it in json array
data = {}
for gettext in user_socio_table:
category = gettext.find('span')
category_text = category.text.strip() ## get text in span
number = category.previousSibling.strip() ## get value before span tag
data[category_text] = number ## add it
{'questions': '4', 'votes': '444', 'answers': '718', 'flags raised': '15', 'project help requests': '10', 'project help replies': '38', 'comments': '208', 'tips and thanks': '11'}
You can get value with spesific one