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Maven is not building sibling dependencies in multi-model project

I have a multi-module project, in root POM I have:


In main-app module I have listed my libraries like that:


The general build command is mvn deploy -pl <changedList> -am -amd

When my Jenkins automation detects change on push to branch, it analyses which files where changed from which module. So, for instance only shared-lib1 is changed.

In that case the command will be mvn deploy -pl shared-lib1 -am -amd, which will put main-app into reactor list of projects to build due to -amd option.

However, it won't pick up shared-lib2 and main-app will fail to build.

Is there any option to build the tree properly, so basically enable -am option for all the modules discovered by -amd?

UPD: ${project.version} is getting updated each time as contains SHA of commit


  • As nobody answered this: this is expected behavior of Maven and how it builds the graph of modules. I tried to create my own graph builder, which should have been converted into the Maven builder, but I've moved from this activity long time ago:

    This was written for Jenkins Pipeline, so has some CPS augmentations. Most notable method is generateFullDependencyList