Please consider following code
module t_test
implicit none
type ttt(tsize)
integer, len :: tsize
real x(tsize)
end type ttt
type :: t_rndom_diameter(t_rsize,t_csize)
integer, len :: t_rsize,t_csize
real :: x(t_rsize,t_csize)
type(ttt(tsize=:)), allocatable :: test_type
end type t_rndom_diameter
end module t_test
program p_test
USE t_test
implicit none
type(t_rndom_diameter(t_rsize=3,t_csize=3)) :: gdad
allocate(gdad% ttt(tsize=10) :: gdad % test_type)
end program
it gives me a catastrophic error without mentioning what the error is:
catastrophic error: **Internal compiler error: segmentation violation signal raised** Please
report this error along with the circumstances in which it occurred in a Software Problem
Report. Note: File and line given may not be explicit cause of this error.
However, I know what triggers this error, namely: allocate(gdad% ttt(tsize=10) :: gdad% test_type)
What does this mean?
I also tried without gdad
, i.e. allocate(gdad% ttt(tsize=10) :: test_type)
As usual, an "internal compiler error" relates to a bug in the compiler. This is something to report to the compiler vendor.
However, in this case it would be a low priority problem: the code you are attempting to compile is invalid. As noted, the problematic line is
allocate(gdad% ttt(tsize=10) :: gdad % test_type)
This is invalid because this form of the allocate
statement requires a type specifier on the left-hand side. gdad%ttt(10)
is not such a thing. The correct statement would be
allocate(ttt(tsize=10) :: gdad % test_type)