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What are the differences between @Mocked, @Injectable, and @Capturing?

First, I define a class, let's say Robot.

public class Robot {

    private Vision vision;

    public Object recognizeObject(List<List<Integer>> frames) {
        vision = new Vision();
        return vision.recognize(frames);

Class of Robot has several dependencies, one of them is Vision.

public class Vision {

    public Object recognize(List<List<Integer>> frames) {
        // do magic stuff, but return dummy stuff
        return null;


Then in the test class, I simply test the invocation of recognize().

public class RobotTest {

    public void recognizeObjectWithMocked(@Mocked final Vision vision) {
        List<List<Integer>> frames = new ArrayList<>();

        new Verifications() {{
            vision.recognize((List<List<Integer>>) any);
            times = 1;

    public void recognizeObjectWithInjectable(@Injectable final Vision vision) {
        List<List<Integer>> frames = new ArrayList<>();

        new Verifications() {{
            vision.recognize((List<List<Integer>>) any);
            times = 1;

    public void recognizeObjectWithCapturing(@Capturing final Vision vision) {
        List<List<Integer>> frames = new ArrayList<>();

        new Verifications() {{
            vision.recognize((List<List<Integer>>) any);
            times = 1;

Based on these tests, I think that @Mocked, @Injectable, and @Capturing can be used interchangeably.

  • Is that correct?

  • If the answer is no, then is there any case that only @Mocked/@Injectable/@Capturing is possible and cannot be replaced by other one?


    • @Injectable mocks a single instance (e.g. a test method's parameter). Not every instance used inside the test context.
    • @Mocked will mock all class methods and constructors on every instance created inside the test context.
    • @Capturing is basically the same as @Mocked, but it extends mocking to every subtype of the annotated type (convinient!).

    Another difference of @Injectable is that only fields marked with this annotation are considered for injection inside @Tested instances.

    The difference should be pretty clear now.