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How can I 'pop' an element from PyListObject?

Let’s say I have a PyListObject, and I want to append a PyObject. I can use the PyList_Append API which is documented in the List Objects C-API. But for my use case, I want to pop an element from the PyListObject (i.e., my_list.pop() in python layer).

But the List Objects C-API documentation does not have any hint about the pop operation.

How can I pop an element from PyListObject using C-API?


  • No, the list.pop method is not directly available via the C-API on PyListObjects.

    Given that list.pop already exists and is implemented in C you could simply look up what the CPython implementation does:

    static PyObject *
    list_pop_impl(PyListObject *self, Py_ssize_t index)
        PyObject *v;
        int status;
        if (Py_SIZE(self) == 0) {
            /* Special-case most common failure cause */
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "pop from empty list");
            return NULL;
        if (index < 0)
            index += Py_SIZE(self);
        if (index < 0 || index >= Py_SIZE(self)) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "pop index out of range");
            return NULL;
        v = self->ob_item[index];
        if (index == Py_SIZE(self) - 1) {
            status = list_resize(self, Py_SIZE(self) - 1);
            if (status >= 0)
                return v; /* and v now owns the reference the list had */
                return NULL;
        status = list_ass_slice(self, index, index+1, (PyObject *)NULL);
        if (status < 0) {
            return NULL;
        return v;

    Source for CPython 3.7.2

    This includes a lot of functions that are not (easily) accessible for a C extension and it also handles popping from a specific index (even negative ones). Personally I wouldn't even bother to re-implement it but just call the pop method with PyObject_CallMethod:

    PyObject *
    list_pop(PyObject *lst){
        return PyObject_CallMethod(lst, "pop", "n", Py_SIZE(lst) - 1);

    It might be a bit slower than a re-implementation but it should be "safer" - one cannot accidentally mess up invariants of the list object (for example resize conditions).

    Another implementation is present in Cython

    static CYTHON_INLINE PyObject* __Pyx_PyList_Pop(PyObject* L) {
        /* Check that both the size is positive and no reallocation shrinking needs to be done. */
        if (likely(PyList_GET_SIZE(L) > (((PyListObject*)L)->allocated >> 1))) {
            Py_SIZE(L) -= 1;
            return PyList_GET_ITEM(L, PyList_GET_SIZE(L));
        return CALL_UNBOUND_METHOD(PyList_Type, "pop", L);

    That could also be adapted for your use-case.