I want to add introspection from a variable to my app.
I have this kind of introspection:
(that im getting from rest request)
I want this variable to be the schema provider, is it possible?
The full variable is here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ts-graphql-demo-ypgi18?file=index.tsx
const fetcher = (params: any) => {
return graphql(schema, params.query, params.variables);
const defaultQuery = `{
<GraphiQL fetcher={fetcher} schema={schema} defaultQuery={defaultQuery}/>,
Given the results of an introspection query, you can build a schema using buildClientSchema
import { buildClientSchema } from 'graphql'
const schema = buildClientSchema(introspectionResult)
You can then pass that schema as prop to the GraphiQL component:
<GraphiQL fetcher={fetcher} schema={schema} />
Of course, that's generally not necessary -- if the schema is not passed in, then GraphiQL will just make an introspection query for you using the fetcher you provide.