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How to iterate through and unzip ".gz" files in python?

I have several sub-folders, each of which containing twitter files which are zipped. I want python to iterate through these sub-folders and turn them into regular JSON files. I have more than 300 sub-folders, each of which containing about 1000 or more of these zipped files. A sample of these files is named: 00_activities.json.gz%3FAWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJADH5KHBJMUZOPEA&Expires=1404665927&Signature=%2BdCn%252Ffn%2BFfRQhknWWcH%2BtnwlSfk%3D"

Thanks in advance

I have tried the codes below, just to see if I can extract one of those files, but none worked.

import zipfile
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile('E:/echoverse/Subdivided Tweets/Subdivided Tweets/Tweets-0', 'r')
zip_ref.extractall('E:/echoverse/Subdivided Tweets/Subdivided Tweets/Tweets-0/00_activities.json.gz%3FAWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJADH5KHBJMUZOPEA&Expires=1404665927&Signature=%2BdCn%252Ffn%2BFfRQhknWWcH%2BtnwlSfk%3D')

I have also tried:

import tarfile
tar ='E:/echoverse/Subdivided Tweets/Subdivided Tweets/Tweets-0/00_activities.json.gz%3FAWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJADH5KHBJMUZOPEA&Expires=1404665927&Signature=%2BdCn%252Ffn%2BFfRQhknWWcH%2BtnwlSfk%3D')

here is my third try (and no luck):

import gzip
import json
with'E:/echoverse/Subdivided Tweets/Subdivided Tweets/Tweets-0/00_activities.json.gz%3FAWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJADH5KHBJMUZOPEA&Expires=1404665927&Signature=%2BdCn%252Ffn%2BFfRQhknWWcH%2BtnwlSfk%3D'
, 'rb') as f:
    d = json.loads("utf-8"))

There is another very similar threat on stackover flow, but my question is different in that my zipped file is originally JSON, and when I use this last method I get this error: Exception has occurred: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)


  • Simple script that answers the question: it traverses, checks if file (fname) is a gzip (via magic number because I'm cynical) and unzips it.

    import json
    import gzip
    import binascii
    import os
    def is_gz_file(filepath):
        with open(filepath, 'rb') as test_f:
            return binascii.hexlify( == b'1f8b'
    rootDir = '.'
    for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):
        for fname in fileList:
            filepath = os.path.join(dirName,fname)
            if is_gz_file(filepath):
                f =, 'rb')
                json_content = json.loads(

    Tested and it works.