I have a script that adds methods to an object in order to keep everything in one place cleanly. This works well with the unminified js but once it gets minified it breaks and I don't why. Does anyone have experience with this, that can guide me to a solution? Why does my script throw 'Cannot redefine property: i' Error only after minifying?
const Strategy = {};
Object.defineProperty(Strategy, 'map', { value: new Map() });
Object.defineProperty(Strategy, 'registerStrategy', {
value: function registerStrategy(fn) {
if (fn.name) {
this.map.set(fn.name, fn);
return Object.defineProperty(Strategy, fn.name, { value: fn });
return false;
export default Strategy;
import Strategy from '../strategy';
export function strategy1(param) {
return param + ' this is strategy 1.';
import Strategy from '../strategy';
export function strategy2(param) {
return param + ' this is strategy 2.';
import path from 'path';
const webpackConfig = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: [{
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['env'],
mode: 'development',
devtool: 'source-map',
entry: './src/js/main.js',
output: {
filename: 'app.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, './dist/'),
export default webpackConfig;
Update based on answer from loganfsmyth
const Strategy = {};
Object.defineProperty(Strategy, 'map', { value: new Map() });
Object.defineProperty(Strategy, 'registerStrategy', {
value: function registerStrategy(fnName, fn) {
if (fnName) {
this.map.set(fnName, fn);
return Object.defineProperty(Strategy, fnName, {
value: fn,
writable: true,
configurable: false,
return false;
Strategy.registerStrategies = (strats) => {
Object.keys(strats).forEach((name) => {
Strategy.registerStrategy(name, strats[name]);
export default Strategy;
Generally relying on function names for anything other than debugging purposes is a bad idea. Minifiers and other tooling often rename variables and functions to achieve their goal of making code smaller. This leads to fn.name
returning a different value, so if you've hardcoded that name in other places where a minifier might either not change it, or change it to something else, your code will break.
For a case like yours, I'd generally expect the function to be:
Strategy.registerStrategy('strategy2', strategy2);
and then you can potentially generalize it and take advantage of ES6 object shorthand syntax:
Strategy.registerStrategies({ strategy2 });
and have that function be
Strategy.registerStrategies = function(strats) {
Object.keys(strats).forEach(name => {
Strategy.registerStrategy(name, strats[name]);