I have installed Sql Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017 and noticed that there are no SharePoint connections in the SSIS toolbox. I know I can read from a SharePoint list using the ADO connecter and save it off somewhere, but what I'm looking for is reading a file in, a csv file, and then being able to write that information into a SharePoint list. This is a work machine and so I can't use the CodePlex archive options or the Kingswaysoft adapters. I was wondering is the SharePoint adapters only a third party option or is there an out of the box solution within the SSIS options that I'm missing. I've got Visual Studio 2017 Professional as well as Sql Server Management Studio 2014. The Sql Server Data Tools are for Visual Studio 2017.
I don't think there is an official Destination Component for Sharepoint in SSIS. Since you are using SQL Server 2014, you can benefit from ODATA Source component to connect to Sharepoint. These components are found in the SQL Server 2014 feature pack.
Unfortunately, if you need to write to a Sharepoint list, you have to use a third party components such as :
You can use a Flat File Destination to Store the result inside a flat file on local folder. Then you can add a Script Task
that will be executed after the Data Flow Task
. Then write a C# / VB.NET script to upload the file to Sharepoint using Microsoft.Sharepoint.dll
assembly. You can refer to the following links for more information:
Another thing to try, if you are not familiar with Script Task and you have a knowledge in Web Services, try to create a WebService to upload files to SHarepoint List and use a Web Service Task instead of Script Task: