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Sawtooth supply chain application setup failed

Step 1/11 : FROM hyperledger/sawtooth-shell:nightly ERROR: Service 'shell' failed to build: manifest for hyperledger/sawtooth-shell:nightly not found

I am trying to build the supply chain application on linux environment but the build is failing.


  • The Hyperledger Sawtooth Supply Chain has been modified for the nightly build, 1.2, which is not released yet. What I do is revert to the version that supports the current Sawtooth release, Sawtooth 1.1:

    git clone
    cd sawtooth-supply-chain
    git diff 50c404c >bionic.patch
    patch --dry-run -R -p1 <bionic.patch
    patch           -R -p1 <bionic.patch
    sudo docker-compose up

    Another solution that I have seen but have not tried, are a few Dockerfile tweeks:

        diff --git a/shell/Dockerfile b/shell/Dockerfile
        index 7ea0caba..b57c2db1 100644
        --- a/shell/Dockerfile
        +++ b/shell/Dockerfile
        @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
         # limitations under the License.
         # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        -FROM hyperledger/sawtooth-shell:nightly
        +FROM hyperledger/sawtooth-shell:bumper-nightly
         # Install Python, Node.js, and Ubuntu dependencies
        -RUN echo "deb bionic universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
        +RUN echo "deb xenial universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
           && (apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 44FC67F19B2466EA \
           || apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 44FC67F19B2466EA) \
           && apt-get update \
    You can also ask these questions on the Sawtooth Supply Chain chat channel (free registration with The Linux Foundation):