Let's say I have some function that returns Async<Result<string>>
let getData id = async {
return Ok (string id)
Now the input to this function is the result of another function that returns Result<int>
I'm struggling on how to compose the 2 together with Result.bind
inside the async CE.
For example:
let main = async {
let id = Ok 123
let! x = id |> Result.bind getData
return x
This doesn't work, I get the error:
error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
'Result<int,'a> -> Async<'b>'
but given a
'Result<int,'a> -> Result<'c,'a>'
Or if I don't use let!
I get and just use let
error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
'int -> Result<'a,'b>'
but given a
'int -> Async<Result<string,'c>>
I've seen some answers that say don't use Result<'a>
and just let the Async exception handling do the hard work, but I face the same problems with Option<'a>
and Option.bind
I know I could use Option.isSome/isNone
and/or write my own isOk/isError
functions for Result, but I feel I shouldn't have to.
Any ideas on the best way to compose something like this together?
The problem is Result.bind
can not be used with getData
because the signatures do not match. Result.bind
expects a function that produces a Result<>
but getData
produces an Async<Result<_,_>>
. You need a bind
for Async<Result<_,_>>
Define an AsyncResult.bind
function for Async<Result<_,_>>
like this:
module AsyncResult =
let bind fRA vRA = async {
let! vR = vRA
match vR with
| Ok v -> return! fRA v
| Error m -> return Error m
now you can compose your getData
function with a function that returns a Result
like this:
let composed p = resultFunction p |> async.Return |> AsyncResult.bind getData
If you define a CE for AsyncResult then you can compose it like this:
let composed2 p = asyncResult {
let! id = resultFunction p |> async.Return
return! getData id
Here is a full implementation I use for handling Async<Result<>>
First some useful definitions for Result
module Result =
open Result
let rtn = Ok
let toOption r = r |> function Ok v -> Some v | _ -> None
let defaultWith f r = r |> function Ok v -> v | Error e -> f e
let defaultValue d r = r |> function Ok v -> v | Error _ -> d
let failIfTrue m v = if v then m |> Error else Ok ()
let failIfFalse m v = if not v then m |> Error else Ok ()
let iter fE f r = r |> map f |> defaultWith fE : unit
let get r = r |> defaultWith (string >> failwith)
let ofOption f vO = vO |> Option.map Ok |> Option.defaultWith (f >> Error)
let insertO vRO = vRO |> Option.map(map Some) |> Option.defaultWith(fun () -> Ok None)
let absorbO f vOR = vOR |> bind (ofOption f)
... and for Async
module Async =
let inline rtn v = async.Return v
let inline bind f vA = async.Bind( vA, f)
let inline map f = bind (f >> rtn)
let inline iterS (f: 'a->unit) = map f >> Async.RunSynchronously
let inline iterA f = map f >> Async.Start
... and now for AsyncResult
type AsyncResult<'v, 'm> = Async<Result<'v, 'm>>
module AsyncResult =
let mapError fE v = v |> Async.map (Result.mapError fE)
let rtn v = async.Return(Ok v )
let rtnR vR = async.Return vR
let iterS fE f vRA = Async.iterS (Result.iter fE f) vRA
let iterA fE f vRA = Async.iterA (Result.iter fE f) vRA
let bind fRA vRA = async {
let! vR = vRA
match vR with
| Ok v -> return! fRA v
| Error m -> return Error m
let inline map f m = bind (f >> rtn) m
let rec whileLoop cond fRA =
if cond ()
then fRA () |> bind (fun () -> whileLoop cond fRA)
else rtn ()
let (>>=) v f = bind f v
let rec traverseSeq f sq = let folder head tail = f head >>= (fun h -> tail >>= (fun t -> List.Cons(h,t) |> rtn))
Array.foldBack folder (Seq.toArray sq) (rtn List.empty) |> map Seq.ofList
let inline sequenceSeq sq = traverseSeq id sq
let insertO vRAO = vRAO |> Option.map(map Some) |> Option.defaultWith(fun () -> rtn None)
let insertR ( vRAR:Result<_,_>) = vRAR |> function | Error m -> rtn (Error m) | Ok v -> map Ok v
let absorbR vRRA = vRRA |> Async.map (Result.bind id)
let absorbO f vORA = vORA |> Async.map (Result.absorbO f)
Finally, a builder for the CE asyncResult { ... }
type AsyncResultBuilder() =
member __.ReturnFrom vRA : Async<Result<'v , 'm>> = vRA
member __.ReturnFrom vR : Async<Result<'v , 'm>> = AsyncResult.rtnR vR
member __.Return v : Async<Result<'v , 'm>> = AsyncResult.rtn v
member __.Zero () : Async<Result<unit, 'm>> = AsyncResult.rtn ()
member __.Bind (vRA, fRA) : Async<Result<'b , 'm>> = AsyncResult.bind fRA vRA
member __.Bind (vR , fRA) : Async<Result<'b , 'm>> = AsyncResult.bind fRA (vR |> AsyncResult.rtnR)
member __.Combine (vRA, fRA) : Async<Result<'b , 'm>> = AsyncResult.bind fRA vRA
member __.Combine (vR , fRA) : Async<Result<'b , 'm>> = AsyncResult.bind fRA (vR |> AsyncResult.rtnR)
member __.Delay fRA = fRA
member __.Run fRA = AsyncResult.rtn () |> AsyncResult.bind fRA
member __.TryWith (fRA , hnd) : Async<Result<'a , 'm>> = async { try return! fRA() with e -> return! hnd e }
member __.TryFinally(fRA , fn ) : Async<Result<'a , 'm>> = async { try return! fRA() finally fn () }
member __.Using(resource , fRA) : Async<Result<'a , 'm>> = async.Using(resource, fRA)
member __.While (guard , fRA) : Async<Result<unit, 'a>> = AsyncResult.whileLoop guard fRA
member th.For (s: 'a seq, fRA) : Async<Result<unit, 'b>> = th.Using(s.GetEnumerator (), fun enum ->
th.Delay(fun () -> fRA enum.Current)))
let asyncResult = AsyncResultBuilder()
module Extensions =
type AsyncResultBuilder with
member __.ReturnFrom (vA: Async<'a> ) : Async<Result<'a, 'b>> = Async.map Ok vA
member __.Bind (vA: Async<'a>, fRA) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> = AsyncResult.bind fRA (Async.map Ok vA)
member __.Combine (vA: Async<'a>, fRA) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> = AsyncResult.bind fRA (Async.map Ok vA)