How to simply recreate copy/paste functionality like in gui environments?
My typical scenario for copying file/directory in Linux console is:
cp source_path target_path
Sometimes paths are relative, sometimes absolute, but I need to provide them both. It works, but there are situations where I would like to recreate scenario from gui which is:
1. go to source directory
2. copy file/directory
3. go to target directory
4. paste file/directory
I imagine something like
cd source_directory_path
copy_to_stash source_name
cd target_directory_path
paste_from_stash [optional_new_target_name]
I know that there is a xclip app, but a documentation says that it copies content of a file, not a file handle. Also, I can use $OLDPWD
variable and expand it when I copy file, but this is not a solution without some cumbersome.
Is there some simple, general, keyboard only, not awkward to use equivalent?
I've also asked the same question on superuser and answer that I've received is good enough for me.
In short: two additional scripts and temporary variable to hold intermediate value.
Below is a code and link to original answer.
# source me with one of:
# source [file]
# . [file]
# Initialize
# Fuction to save a file in the current PWD
if [[ -e "$PWD/$1" ]]; then
echo "Saved for later: $sa_file"
echo "Error: file $PWD/$1 does not exist"
# Paste if file exists, to $1 if exists
if [[ -e "$sa_file" ]]; then
if [[ $1 ]]; then
cp -v "$sa_file" "$1"
cp -v "$sa_file" .
echo "Error: file $sa_file does not exist, could not copy"