Is it possible to specify a vector of variables to ignore during matching using the %CEM macro for SAS (available at:
As an example, consider a dataset called "Test" with the following variables:
The goal is to estimate the impact of "Treatment" on Y. First, we want to match treated observations with controls using only X1 and X2 during matching.
The cem {cem} command in R provides an option, "drop", which allows one to specify a vector of variables to ignore during matching:
cem(treatment="treatment", data=Test, drop=c("X3","Y"),k2k=FALSE)
Using cem in Stata, one can simply specify the variables to use in the matching procedure:
. cem X1 X2, tr(treatment)
Would it be possible to run the %CEM macro in SAS using only X1 and X2 for matching?
The latest version of %CEM allows one to specify a vector of variables to use in the matching process, i.e.:
%CEM (
lib = work,
dataset = Test,
id = Person_id,
treat = Treatment,
keep = X1 X2,
del_miss = 0,
method = Sturges,
path_graph = C:\path_graph,
report = on