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Why can't I compile a script that contains pyttsx3?

I have been working using pyttsx3 on win7 64bit python 3.4.3. Everything is good with the .py script I made using pyttsx3 module (works fine alone).

The problem comes when I compile it with pyinstaller. I got an error saying "pyttsx3.drivers not found" and I fixed that by using a .spec file with hiddenimports. Then I got an error that says pywintypes.com_error:(-2147352573,member not found,none,none).

I found on github that someone by the name #natambashat fixed it by commenting out the runtime hook because that's only needed for pyttsx. But that didnt work for me, I still get the same error. Can you please help me?


  • Eureka!!i fixed it! Am gonna write what i did step by step in case some one come-across to the same problem.

    1.i made a file and commented out the file(have a look at this link of github.( instead of commenting out,you can also remove the line "" from the rthooks.DAT file in ...Lib/sitepackages/pyinstaller/loader/rthooks).

    2.go to ...Lib/sitepackages/Win32com/client/ and to the _GetDeskInvokeType function.Replace the last line(return invoke_type) with return varkind.

    ->For some people just step 1 works,but for me i need to apply step2.I found somewhere in sourceforge(i dont remember the link),when compiling a script that involves win32,pywin32 version 221 and 220 gives the pywintypes error i mentioned above.But pywin32 version 219 doesnt give this error(i am using pywin32 v221).And the reason behind that is,in the function i mentioned in step2,return invoke_type is only on version 221 and 220 but the return on v219 is return varkind.I don't know why this differece came if it gives such errors!

    EDIT:This link Is better than the above i gave.