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How to return only ONE matching subdocument (not array) from subdocument array in MongoDB?

In my collection:

{ "code": xx1
  "valueList": [
                  { "id": "yy1", "name": "name1"},
                  { "id": "yy2", "name": "name2"},
                  { "id": "yy3", "name": "name3"}              
{ "code": xx2
  "valueList": [
                  { "id": "yy4", "name": "name4"},
                  { "id": "yy5", "name": "name5"},
                  { "id": "yy6", "name": "name6"}              

I want to return specific ONE matching subdocument (not an array), like below:

{ "id": "yy3", "name": "name3"}  

I try below code:

findOne({ "code": "xx1",
          "": "yy3"
.select({ "valueList.$": 1});

It returns an array instead:

   "valueList": [{ "id": "yy3", "name": "name3" }]

How can I solve this? Thank you


  • You can use below aggregation:

        { $match: { "": "yy3" } },
        { $unwind: "$valueList" },
        { $match: { "": "yy3" } },
        { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$valueList" } }

    First $match will filter out all unnecessary documents, then you can use $unwind to get valueList item per document and then $match again to get only the one with yy3 in the last stage you can use $replaceRoot to promote valueList item to the top level.