I've been trying to store the output of multiple az cli commands in a variable defined in my pipeline with 0 success.
The way I try to make sure is getting pass to the var is by doing an echo, which it outputs this(in all attempts):
At the end what im trying to achieve is to get the key value stored to use later:
Any suggestions on how to do this in the Azure CLI task from Azure DevOps Pipeline?
PS: Have being trying some commands from shell and batch and must of the attempts failures are related to not recognizing commands(batch/shell) inside the script. Which is confusing since in Azure cli task Docs:
@4c74356b41 Answer helped a lot since I didn't know I could do query in azure cli commands to get a specific value of a command. But it didn't quite answer my questions. All that said, this link Set Output Variable in Azure CLI task on VSTS has the Answer to my question.
just use query path filtering, something like this:
--query 'properties.properties.sites[0].key' -o tsv
this should output only the key you are interested it. reading: