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AWS DMS with CDC to S3. How would it handle row updates and deletes?

Let's say that I DMS data from e.g. MS SQLS using CDC directly to S3.

If there is a row delete or update in the source DB, would DMS create new objects in S3 when those events take place? Or would it delete / overwrite the previous one?

In other words, if I want to serialize the history of changes of a DB to S3, would DMS with CDC to S3 do exactly that? Or would it just (continuously) mirror the current values in the source DB in S3?


  • By default, the first field in a .CSV record contains the letter I (insert), U (update) or D (delete) to indicate whether the row was inserted, updated, or deleted at the source database.


    Was looking for the same thing, but it seems it doesn't serialize records in eg avro/json.