I would like to search for places around a specific location. I tried it using the options location, radius, and strictbounds. But, it is always returning all the addresses in the US.
My code will look like:
(def Autocomplete (oget js/window "google.maps.places.Autocomplete"))
(defn mount-autocomplete [ctx form-props el]
(let [autocomplete (Autocomplete. el #js {:location #js {:lat 40.730610 :lng -73.935242} :radius 15 :strictBounds true :rankBy google.maps.places.RankBy.DISTANCE :componentRestrictions #js {:country "US"}})]
(ocall autocomplete "addListener" "place_changed"
(fn []
(this-as this
(let [place (js->clj (ocall this "getPlace") :keywordize-keys true)
formatted-address (join-address-parts (place->address place))]
(js/console.log formatted-address)
(oset! el "value" (:street formatted-address))
(doseq [[k v] formatted-address]
(<cmd ctx :on-change [form-props [:address k] nil v nil]))))))))
I think it takes only the componentRestrictions from the options given. Any idea?
For the strictBounds
property to work, you need to pass a bounds object, not a location and a radius, as mentioned in the documentation.
Set the
option to restrict the results to the given bounds, even while the viewport changes.
The bounds
parameter must be a LatLngBounds
object or LatLngBoundsLiteral
If using bounds
and strictBounds:true
then the country component restriction isn't needed and/or could conflict with the given bounds.